Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cardiac Cachexic Syndrome.... wow

Cardiac Cachexia (CC) syndrome, is a complication of CHF(Congestive Heart Failure)
I didnt know this, until i start reading my Harrison's
it is a sign of bad prognosis. and related to age, sex , LV ejection fraction and exercise capacity.
it happen when generalized lose of body lean mass, tissues, fat and skeletal. Therefore, patient is weak and very weak, asthenic syndrome.
pathogenesis: neorohumoral and immunologic disbalance.

  • increase amount of norepineprine,epinephrine, cortisol, renin-angiontensin aldosteron system activation 
  • and increase plasma inflamatory cytokines that is TNF-a.

increase of above mentioned lead to catabolic imbalance n metabolic imbalance and later lead to wasting...

so that about it lah... the cascade that bring to dead end= CC...

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