Friday, March 5, 2010

some said AMOR... is a CANCER... this will b the title becoz i m having onco cycle now!!!

when u r in love.. everything look good,
they said, u look lovely. U know y? becoz the cheer of  love is in U.
And ur heart is so light that u just felt as if u r floating like the neon gas in the air...
That is LOVE.. Love make u young, love fill u JOY. n everything around u make u wanna smile n laugh.. becoz u r happy as ever...
but there be a misery of it... at one point...when the misery STRIKE, u will just find it hard to smile anymore.
u eyes becoming a pond of tears. U may felt that u r abandon... leave all alone in the eerie street.
anyone may come and take ur life away.. the one thing that u worried of is will anybody realize that I'M missing...not ur life that bother u much... but one thing.. will that special one still CARE. that is the main question?

EUROS LOVE. its one heck of complex structure... of the heart mind n soul..
if DNA sequence can be explore well by man. It takes almost the whole centuries to understand it..
but its complexity cannot be compare to what does HEART MATTER...
give me the best philosopher, still he cannot explain the matter of the heart...

anyhow? is there any an ever after story?  when we were young our mind is imbibed with all delusional stories of CINDERELLA, SNOW WHITE... and so they lived happily ever after...
seem nice.. its bad to spoil a kiddos tale... but... exception EVER AFTER, only comes when u work for it..
sometym, ever after may need more than first love, sometym ever after will come wid a lot of trial n tribulation.. wid sorrow...
but if we can smile and appreciate what we have.... even a blink, THAT IS EVER AFTER....

appreciate what u have, dont look back or reach ahead.
often we take time to cry for the past, n we miss out the present..
n sometym, we spend so much of planning b4 we appreciate the NOW....
every brokenness teach us to grow.
every pain, there is a reason. n every fear there is a small chance of courage.
all is needed is to go on.. to cheerish every moment u have in life ..
this is LIFE, they said live life to the fullest...
but i said.. i want to hav the JOY of experience every fresh moment...
becoz, u dont know how long tym u hav for all these.. so enjoy!!

PS:.. this is for some1, that bring smile to my face....u know who u r..
       thx.. its not easy to find some1 that will said to u.
       OUT... i thank GOD for you...

       XXX.... mig

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