I have one big project here...
4O DAYS... it start today..
its not simple... i will update it daily..
Its a journey to return home with my Lover...
WHO: A lover n the beloved..
tools: self surrender,
aim: return home to the father...
prayer: Heavenly Father, as today is the beginning of ur son passion.
Help me, as my spirit yielding you loud but my flesh is weak.
Grant me within this 40days of lent, to really draw my attention back to ur DIVINITY...
Help me NOT to get dull searching Your face,
Avoid me from the opening sea of pleasure.
Let ur HOLY SPIRIT.... breath in me.. as i walk, talk, act be a radiant to others around me..
Jesus, the lover of my journey. stay close as closer than ever... as close as a child in her mother worn
Mother MARY, pray for me ... as i know ur prayer are powerful to help me trough this journey.
till then,,,
for Christ Name Sake, i PRAY..
O Jesus Christ, my Lord, with
what great love you traveled the painful road which led to your
death -- and how often have I abandoned you. But now I love you
with my whole soul, and because I love you, I am sincerely sorry
for having offended you. My Jesus, pardon me, and permit me to
accompany you on this journey. You died for love of me, and it
is my wish, O my dearest Redeemer, to be willing to die for love
of you. O my beloved Jesus, in your love I wish to live, and
in your love I wish to die. Amen. +
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